Thursday, April 26, 2012

15 Years

As Taylor Swift says: It's a love story. And everday we choose to say YES!

 Two young pups met the first week of college at Texas Tech. We were friends for a year before starting to date. We dated for FIVE years before Eric decided to I was really the one. (I knew I would want to marry him before our first date!) We have been married for FIFTEEN years today!

Here is a photo from college days (above) and one from this past Christmas (below). Cause I KNOW you wouldn't be able to tell which was which if I didn't tell you. Hehehehehehe.

I love you Eric! More now than ever! :D Happy Anniversary!

And, now, for your viewing pleasure-- here are some photos of the wonderful day we became man & wife.

traditional church shot, taken before the wedding.
Actual moment we walked back down the aisle, wedding over, BIG smiles!
It was not the sunny spring day we had planned, it was overcast and VERY windy. But, it made for a cool blowing veil shot. :)


  1. that is a cool veil shot :) Happy Anniversary! And your right, I would have never guessed which was the older pic :)

  2. Aww, y'all are still adorable. Love to see these and celebrate with you. Congrats!!
