Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Day Late and A Dollar Short (Disneyland Project Update)

So, the bronchitis kinda took awhile to clear up (just like the doc said!). I JUST finished the antibiotics and quit coughing this past weekend. This means I missed a LOT of workouts. But, I started back up again at 6am yesterday. Hello pain! It is SUCH a weird pain. I can't even describe it (but that won't stop me from trying hahahahaha). It's like a little ache deep deep deep in the muscles. Not intense enough that I want to take something for it. Just weird. NOTHING like pain from squats and lunges, NOTHING like that. Is it weird to say if feels good and bad?

That's obviously not me in the pic. That's my dear guru Tracy Anderson on the pink mat. But that IS the kind of work I'm doing-- LOTS LOTS LOTS of leg lifts. She really knows what she is doing. I am glad to be back doing the workouts and I am enjoying getting the work in before the day starts. I chug my soda (I'm just not a coffee girl) and eat 1/4 of my protein bar (Think Thin) before I start, another 1/4 halfway through, and the rest at the end. It has been working great to keep the dizzy/nausea away. THANKS girls for the tips and encouragement on that. I think I am going to love the first thing workout!

I am up a pound due to the break and the comfort foods I craved while I was sick. But, I already feel a bit slimmer after just two days back.

Have you had any setbacks lately? Why is it SO hard to get the momentum back? Do you find that, like me, you tend to get sick after you try to 'kick things up a notch'? It seems to happen to me every time.

Photo from here

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