Saturday, May 5, 2012

Stop, Collaborate, and Avenge

This is your mission:

1. STOP whatever you are doing- right now!

2. Grab a friend

3. Go see Avengers in 3D

So, last night we finally got to go out for our 15 year anniversary. A series of unfortunate events (excellent book series, FYI) conspired to prevent us from doing this as planned last weekend. We actually missed our free child care at the YMCA by not triple checking the date on the receipt and as a result had to pay a $10 fee for missing the free childcare. (yep, you read that right, we had to pay because we MISSED it). Our backup babysitter was out of town (who authorized THAT?!!?). So, we could see the fates, the gods, the stars all had something better in mind and we heeded this.

Good thing! Because, now, a week later, we know why. It was so we could see The Avengers in 3D and be witness to its AWESOMENESS!! This was my first 3D movie. How cool is it in 3D? I even liked watching the previews in 3D. I'm gonna see more movies in 3D! (Not, like, Titanic, but ya know, action movies. It's SO fun!)

In summary, you will laugh A LOT and you will have a great time. 
Two Thumbs Up! 

photo from here

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