Monday, March 26, 2012

Nothing to Report (Disneyland Project Week 1)

So, no weight loss this week.
And.....I think I know why! I was doing REALLY well Monday thru Friday. Stayed under my WW points. Temptations abounded but I stayed strong. I took Chick Fil A to my dear friend and her new baby and didn't eat any myself! At the movies on Friday I was so good and ate my protein bar and mixed nut snack with NO cravings at all for movie snacks.

Then something happened. I woke up Saturday morning crabby. I couldn't seem to shake it. I was unhappy but I couldn't find any reason to be unhappy. Then I had some sugar and carbs. In fact, I went on about a 12 hour carb and sugar spree!  This may have involved 2 cupcakes, several cookies out of a batch I made for sunday school, an entire bag of microwave popcorn (with FULL butter and salt) and half a chocolate bar. I tell you what- I felt quite happy after that.

I think I had some carb withdrawl (ya THINK, Tracie?) and I'm not at all surprised it happened since I have made a huge decrease in the sugar & carb catagory. But, fortunately, by Sunday afternoon the cravings had passed and I was back on track finishing out the week strong. It cost me, though. I weighed in this morning at EXACTLY where I started (to the tenth of a pound, really....I couldn't have lost 0.1?? sheesh) 

OH WELL! I am not deterred because I feel great.

Muscular Stucture Work: I feel slimmer (will take measurements after I complete 10 workouts and pictures at the 30 workout mark per Tracy's instructions). I feel the muscular structure video working every day. I have yet to even complete all the reps. I just do the moves (usually slower than her) for as long as she does it then switch when she switches.

Cardio: I actually really like the Tracy Anderson Dance Cardio that came with Metamorphasis. I was SO shocked by this. I had read alot of negative comments regarding injuries (knee, ankle, calf pain, shin splints) and I can now see EXACTLY how that happens to people. It's essentially 30 straight minutes of jumping jacks and just jumping rope without a rope. So I will not be doing it every day as she recommends. I will work up to 4 times per week at most probably.

Diet: No reason to change anything at this point. I am doing a Think Thin bar for breakfast, a 1/4 cup mixed nuts for am snack, a frozen meal for lunch (whatever brand is on sale, just checking for as close to 5 sugars and 40 carbs as I can), a slice of cheese with 3 slices ham/turkey rolled up for pm snack. Dinner is with the family watching my portions or default is a protein smoothie.

Please feel free to post any questions. I will be happy to answer them!

Photo credit here

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hunger Games LETDOWN

I was excited all week to see this movie. The first Hunger Games movie of a trilogy. I have had my tickets for about a month and we got to the theater early to wait in line. The lines weren't too bad so we actually bumped up to an earlier showing and got a partial refund! (I did have to shoosh Eric during the BD part2 preview). But, the question is how did I like the movie!? I was frustrated. That is the best word to describe it.


Here are the things Eric and I agreed on:
1) the absolute desperation of living life in the districts didn't really come across
2) Katniss' internal dialogue adds SO much to the story that it is almost a different story without it. (a few notes in the parachute boxes ain't gonna cut it)
3) I'm not really convinced Peeta would have died from that TINY cut on his leg
4) I have GOT to stop re-reading the books before the movie. It gives me too MUCH detail in my head to work with during the movie and I think in the end it's distracting.

Here are additional thoughts I had:
1) HOW HOW HOW could they leave out the scene where Peeta recounts the first day of school? That was an absolute key scene in Katniss' internal struggle between acting for the camera and real feelings for Peeta. You can see an AWESOME version of the scene that should have been in the movie here.
2) I didn't like the Dr. Seuss-ness of the people of the capitol. I have already seen the Grinch who stole Christmas and I wanted a little more subtlety. I thought what they did to Seneca Crane was EXACTLY right.
3) I'm not sure if the actors couldn't carry it off or the director held them back. Honestly, I went into it completely open to the casting of Katniss and Peeta but in the end I'm not sure it was right.
4) Did they dumb it down? Did they get so scared that little kids (who should NOT have been there anyway!) would be scarred for life? Because, if I recall, BD part 1 had sex and a bloody birth scene and that was PG-13. This should have been rated PG.

Recommendation: See it. But if you have read the books be prepared. If you haven't you will most likely NOT get what was amazing about these books because, frankly, it isn't there!

What did YOU think??
Photo from here

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

My Week with Kacie & Marilyn

Well between the shopping, the chocolate factory tour, and the PS3 games (Michael Jackson Experience- can I just say that is a WORKOUT baby!!) we barely had time to watch all these movies Hahahahaha. You have to remember that although we got out plenty during the day, when the sun went down it was COLD!

Now, I would be content to watch Breaking Dawn for the millionth time, but when I am with my sister my movie IQ goes up several notches. My sister is the one who would always meet me downtown and at Greenway Plaza for the movies you can't always see WAY out here in the boondocks of Pearland! I sure do miss her. Last time I visited we saw Snow Flower and the Secret Fan (which was lovely btw).

This time we took in FOUR movies (the other two are reviewed over here and are still in theater). These two are on DVD already.


Young Adult: Now THIS is how I expect an independent film to run. It is all there-- way too real scenario, overindulgent lead character, and unhealthy relationships. And, you guessed it, not a lot of happy endings here. I did enjoy the movie- I really got a kick out of her writing inspiration sources (hahahahaha). I didn't think it had the power of Juno or Up in the Air (as billed).

Recommendation: If you want to get depressed rent this baby. If you are depressed or about to attend your high school reunion maybe skip it. :)

My Week with Marilyn: I liked the story. It is supposed to be based on a true events. But, I don't know if you can ever trust that when it comes to Marilyn Monroe and Elvis. It seems everyone has a story to tell if they can make a buck. Michelle Williams had her moments of transcending into Marilyn but I think I still thought I was watching Michelle Williams from Dawson's Creek days with different makeup. As for the supporting cast, it was a who's who of British movies. You will recognize just about everyone (even Hermione trying not to play Hermione, but failing I think). Again, not exactly a happy ending but not depressing either.

Recommendation: Rent it. It's a nice coming of age story with Marilyn thrown into the mix.

Both movies offered a glimpse into the life of someone else. These type of movies always remind me of the old Star Trek motto about only observing new life and new civilizations but not interfering. You are just supposed to watch these people self destruct and then go on. So that's what I did :D

Photos from here and here

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Vow not Wow

My good friend Reagan and I try to go to a movie once a month. It's a goal. So far we are 2 out of 3. At least we are ahead! We usually see total girl movies which works for me. This month we were down to either The Vow or This Means War. We chose The Vow and I think we made the right decision although I'm sure I will catch the other on DVD.


 The story was completely engaging. And it's one of those movies where you can't really complain about the plot because it's based on a true story! Hahahaha

I realize that I don't think I have seen Mr. Tatum in a movie before and I was surprised at his emotional range cause he just looks like kind of an angry buff guy in pictures.

Then there was Rachel McAdams. The problem with her is that I kept thinking about all the other guys she has been in movies with. And I haven't even SEEN some of those movies. I kept thinking: What about that guy who wrote you the letters and you didn't know till later??? What about that guy who kept popping up in your life at different points??? I have not seen either of those movies but I think it's clear she has done a few too many of this genre when I start to feel she's cheating on the other movies with her current one!!

Jessica Lange looked really old and that made me sad but the 'Jurrasic Park' guy looks just the same as always and was well cast as the snobby dad. I felt glad that if I HAD to look at the guy who totally STOLE Felicity from Noel then at least he was a despicable character in the movie (You may have picked up on the fact that I have Felicity series finale issues- it was SOOO wrong!).

My favorite plot point was that two people revealed the same secret to the lead actress and she reacted completely differently to it based on the motivations of the character. I thought to myself how accurate that is to life. We are all just looking for someone to trust. When you can completely trust someone they can tell you just about anything and you don't freak out (much). But when that trust isn't there - one stumble and we lose all faith in them, ourselves, in everything.

Recommendation: Rent it.

Have you seen the Reese movie? Should I even bother to rent it? What else has Mr. Tatum been in?? Surely I have seen him somewhere.

Photo from here

Monday, March 19, 2012

Shield Your Eyes! (Disneyland Project Begins)

Well I have had my fun. I have stuffed my face with every imaginable delicacy that Boston had to offer (Holy cannolis, batman!). Now it's time to get serious.

I have taken my before pictures (Shasta wanted to be included) and my starting weight and measurements. So begins week 1.

I actually tried out the 30 minute muscular structure (MS) work yesterday and I was sweating like a DOG. This was not even the cardio (eek!!) just the arms, abs, and legs portion. DANG! Honestly, it felt good to be doing the moves again. She is amazing that Tracy Anderson girl. How can a little leg lift hurt so bad??

This morning I tried to do the ol' Proverbs 31 thing and get up early to do the workout but that did NOT happen. I mean, I DID get up. But, I felt kind of nauseous and faint so I turned it off. Took the pup for a walk instead. No problem there. Will have to leave the MS work for afternoon/evening, I guess. I had not ever tried it in the am before and I guess that doesn't work for me.

So, just for reference (and because it annoys me when other bloggers don't give this info): I am 5"4' tall and my weight is 136.8 in this photo. I am wearing a Land's End size 6 swimsuit. (They size generously so that would probably be about an 8 in the real world).

I have my foods and my workouts mapped out. There should be no reason for failure. Disneyland- Here I come!!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Happy Endings Everywhere

I saw this movie (Salmon fishing in the Yemen) with my sis on Spring Break. It was playing at the 'artsy' theater so I was a bit surprised when the ending was so, well, typical. But, I have to say they had me guessing till the end how it would end up. My favorite twist was that the audience knew something ahead of the characters and it completely altered the way you wanted a certain scene to turn out. I liked that. Very very much. These two are LOVELY to watch on screen. I wanted all Emily Blunt's work outfits and Ewan was as charming as ever. Kacie made an excellent point which was that the part played by the  'English Patient' lady seemed to have been disproportionately larger than needed. I don't like her anyway so I completely agreed with this statement. Also, if you were shying away from this due to the fly fishing, there actually isn't much of it in the movie so don't let that hold you back.
Recommendation: See or Rent

Another Spring Break movie with the sister. This one was our backup choice when we watched the Yemen movie. But, since another movie viewing opportunity came up we went for it. This movie was very real, very raw, very honest. Up until the end. In the end it was AGAIN very typical. We were shocked! A movie that seemed to set out to tell a very different story ended up just being an updated version of When Harry Met Sally. I did very much enjoy the couple relationships, the friendships, and Adam Scott's character in general. But, in the end, we were let down. On another note, I would rent it again just to steal the decorating ideas of the lead's apartment. So cute!
Recommendation: Rent if the movie you really want is out of stock or you need a Jon Hamm fix till Mad Men starts up again.

Photos from here and here

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Disneyland Project 2012

I am about to go on vacation. I get to go visit my sister in Boston. I can't WAIT. I love my sister SO much and I also love being in Boston. This will be the first time one of my visits may involve snow. So, I may have to amend that to 'I love Boston in the Summer' afterwards!

When I get back I will have just 19 weeks until our Disneyland trip! I have decided to make a committment to Tracy Anderson's Metamorphasis during that time. The program I ordered is 18 weeks so I think that works out perfect.


Time: I will commit to 1 hour 5 days a week. I will do the workouts Monday thru Friday. I was recently inspired by this quote by Brooke Burke in Fitness Magazine: "I don't think you need more than an hour to do cardio and full-body toning. I don't have three hours a day to devote to my body, but I do have an hour five days a week".

Muscular Structure: I already have several of her DVD's and I love the way they make my muscles feel when I do the workouts. The Metamorphasis DVD's are only 30 minutes. I chose the Glutecentric option (just in case you were curious I got it thru QVC and went through ebates for 2.5% cash back). I had already ruled out Abcentric and Omnicentric for myself. But, I admit I was quite confused about the two remaining choices. I finally happened upon a crazy little 'test' to help you determine: Stand facing a mirror and reach around behind you and 'lift' your butt with your hands. If your saddlebags disappear- you are glutecentric; if not- you are hipcentric. Clever eh? (Are you running to the bathroom to try it like I did??)

Cardio: For the other 30 minutes I plan to do alternating cardio routines. Some days (like a Zumba class) might take an hour. But, I'm allowing myself to quit after 30 minutes if I want to. I don't actually plan to use Tracy's dance cardio at all. I will do 'dancing like a crazy woman in my house to my ipod', some Zumba classes, some 'treadmill skipping' routines that are a variation on Tracy's (you can see me doing this at the YMCA), and walking outdoors with my pup.

Diet: I will be going back to what worked for me and that is Jorge Cruise and the Belly Fat Cure (this is a low sugar/low carb plan where you try not to exceed 15g sugar and 120g carbs per day). I will be logging everything I eat and tracking my weight and measurements in my Weight Watchers online account (possibly ignoring the WW points since Jorge and WW don't seem to get along!).

See you After Spring Break!!!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

It's Good to Read on goodreads!

It's hard to keep up to date on books. Ya know what I mean? It's particularly true if you like to read alot of different authors or genres. That is why, if you are a book lover, I would like to recommend you sign up for an account at and here is why:
  1. You can keep track of what you read. This might not seem important NOW but later when you can't remember the name of that book or author you will be so glad you did!  
  2. You can keep a nice long list of the books you want to read in the future. Somewhere that is not a slip of paper you put somewhere safe and then lose. No more asking yourself 'What was that book so-and-so recommended?'
  3. You can find out (like I JUST did *headsmack*) that there are sequels (or planned sequels) to some of the books you have already read and enjoyed that you didn't know anything about!
  4. When you come late to a series of books you can find out which one is first. Seriously, WHY don't publishers label them like goodreads does?? It would be SO helpful!! Have you ever just given up because you couldn't figure out which book was first in the series? Because I have.  
I am so grateful that my reading friend (you know it was you Brit!) facebooked her goodreads updates and got me curious because this is such a great idea and I wish I had discovered it earlier.

Martha would definately call this one a GOOD thing and you will too! Check it out. Then friend me so we can share recommendations. See you on goodreads.

I laugh that this is even necessary to say, but, let it be known that there is no affiliation between me and my blog and goodreads. I just like them and wanted you to know!!

Photo source

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Wither or Not

Just finished this book. It's another YA SciFi title. (cue the big sigh or eye roll- whichever you prefer) I think I know where Disney got the idea that nothing exciting ever happens to you unless your parents are dead. They must have been reading YA SciFi books.

I think I have mentioned before that when someone I trust recommends a book I put it on a list and then never EVER read the back cover before finishing it. I do the same thing with movies. I like to see ONE trailer and then be done. I don't like to see too much of a movie I am highly anticipating.

Anyway, I had NO idea where this book was going and judging by the cover I thought it might be a book about Mandy Moore. (Am I the only one who was like WHY is Mandy Moore on the cover of this book? I guess it isn't her after all. But, I found it very distracting).

SPOILER ALERT (remainder of post): This book was very strange. I felt like it was fighting itself. I didn't know if they were going for a women's rights statement (kidnapped child brides), a holocost reference (brides made to bear children or participate unwillingly in the search for a cure), or a warning about genetic tampering (we will all die by age 25!). Perhaps these questions will be answered in the next book?

What I liked: The three wife characters. They were well developed and got more believable as the book went on. I felt for each of them and struggled with the main character over the evolving relationship with her two sister wives. (I totally did NOT know this book had sister wives in it!)

What I didn't like: Lame male lead on three counts. The 'husband' was a total limp bisquit. The 'servant/love interest' was not believable to me AT ALL. The 'Dr. Evil' father-in-law guy was never scary enough.

Big Fail: Are we REALLY supposed to believe that the husband never consumated with the lead character and she escapes with her virtue intact and her love interest in some miraculous end chapter?

My take: I actually got pretty involved with a few of the characters although I'm worried the ones I like (Deidre, Cicely) may not appear in the next installment. I will pick up the next book to see if we meet the brother and find out more about what secrets 'two different color eyes' unlock.

I remain yours, my dear Mandy Moore, interested but unimpressed. I'll keep you posted!

Photo source

Can't Catch Me..I'm the Chai Gingerbread Girl

Quite a while back I saw a Facebook post from a foodie friend of mine (Hello out there Crystin N.!!). She shared a recipe that her friends were raving over. I thought right then that I should save that one. I am VERY glad I did.

In my post Valentine's Day stupor, I was QUITE over that too-sweet-milk-chocolate taste and smell. (Is it just me or as you eat more dark chocolate do you start to be able to smell a difference in the chocolates??). I thought it was an excellent time to try out this recipe.

One thing stood out to me when I first read through-- it did NOT call for molasses. I love gingerbread but I hate working with molasses!! It's a pain to measure. It's a pain to get the top of the jar cleaned off so that next time it isn't superglued shut. It's a pain to clean up the measuring cup that is now coated in molasses. (wow, I didn't realize I had a molasses 'issue'!!) In the end, I usually just buy a mix in order to avoid the molasses thing altogether. Shhhhh....don't tell.

So, that left only one trick to this recipe-- peeling & grating the fresh ginger. I had done it once before. It's not very hard at all. It's kinda like trying to peel a really knobby carrot :) So, then, once it's peeled just use a fine grater to get the amount you need. You can see my unpeeled ginger in the first picture and the peeled and grated amount added to the bowl in the second one.

The dough IS very sticky (just as described) but I just sprayed my hands with non-stick spray and spread it into the pan. The recipe says optionally to sprinkle with sugar but I happened to have this cinnamon-sugar + vanilla and I thought that might make a nice upgrade. It DID.

These were a huge hit with the adults. (My kids wouldn't even try them so I can not report any kid reviews). I REALLY liked the flavor combo of the chai tea and the ginger (by the way: I just cut open a chai tea bag I had in the pantry to get the amount needed for the recipe). The ginger was not too strong either. This was my biggest fear going in. I LOVED that you could see the hairy ginger pieces and the tea leaf bits in the final product (top picture).

These would be excellent with a vanilla or caramel ice cream-- maybe next time?? Mmmmmmmmm....I need to make some more! ENJOY!

Friday, March 2, 2012

The Art of Crying

I have not wanted to review this book. Not because it wasn't a GREAT book. Because-- it made me cry. Not a delicate feminine tear, no no, this was the big ugly cry. This was 'Titantic', 'Dances With Wolves', and end of 'The Red Tent' crying.

I KNEW this would happen, by the way. That is why it sat on my bedside table for about 3 months unread. A coworker of Eric's (who knows I love a good book) gave it to him to give to me. He was tired of making excuses when she asked if I had read it yet. So Eric forced me to read it.

Now, you understand, I have a dog. I LOVE my dog. As a kid I had a dog as well. A great, loving, loyal dog. It took me awhile to even WANT another dog. It took almost 12 years actually. I felt for a long time that I had already had MY dog in this life. But, eventually I missed the companionship that is unique to the pet & owner relationship. That's when Shasta (pictured below) found me. :)

This book is beautifully narrated by the dog, Enzo. You will fall in love with him. And, if you have a dog currently, you will love him or her even more. You will even react differently to your dog now that you can imagine what it may be thinking.

But more than that-- you will appreciate what it is to have a human life. A verbal life. A life where you can tell someone EVERY DAY that you love them.

I'd love to tell you not to read it and save you the big ugly cry but, I can't. It's just that good a book!

Photo source