Monday, March 19, 2012

Shield Your Eyes! (Disneyland Project Begins)

Well I have had my fun. I have stuffed my face with every imaginable delicacy that Boston had to offer (Holy cannolis, batman!). Now it's time to get serious.

I have taken my before pictures (Shasta wanted to be included) and my starting weight and measurements. So begins week 1.

I actually tried out the 30 minute muscular structure (MS) work yesterday and I was sweating like a DOG. This was not even the cardio (eek!!) just the arms, abs, and legs portion. DANG! Honestly, it felt good to be doing the moves again. She is amazing that Tracy Anderson girl. How can a little leg lift hurt so bad??

This morning I tried to do the ol' Proverbs 31 thing and get up early to do the workout but that did NOT happen. I mean, I DID get up. But, I felt kind of nauseous and faint so I turned it off. Took the pup for a walk instead. No problem there. Will have to leave the MS work for afternoon/evening, I guess. I had not ever tried it in the am before and I guess that doesn't work for me.

So, just for reference (and because it annoys me when other bloggers don't give this info): I am 5"4' tall and my weight is 136.8 in this photo. I am wearing a Land's End size 6 swimsuit. (They size generously so that would probably be about an 8 in the real world).

I have my foods and my workouts mapped out. There should be no reason for failure. Disneyland- Here I come!!


  1. You are soo brave.. and for the record at Yoga.. you always look amazing.. :)

    you are amazing.

  2. Im doing weight watchers and we'll see where we both end up for Disneyland! So great to have a Sis to say 'you can do it' and 'I'll do it too'!!
