Wednesday, September 7, 2011

This Book Lacks Nothing

Wow! A book that leaves you inspired, feeling like you want to do more for others, and doesn't let your poor husband get ANYthing done because you want to read him half the book out loud. That's what this book is!
I gotta admit that 'The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks' in not a book I would have EVER been curious enough to pick up and turn over but man, oh man it's a great read. Let, me first say I despise non-fiction. I mean, if I want to get depressed I watch the news, if I want to be concerned I watch Frontline, and if I want to be inspired I watch Nova. Well folks, this is all that rolled into one. And, once again, I have the book club to thank.
A brilliant story told from the point of view of a researching writer, a daughter of the title character, and various researchers. It lays out the medical developmental of cells in culture over the last half century. You will be shocked, you will be awed, and you will be touched. But mostly you will not believe what has happened in medicine in just a handful of years and that ONE little fluke began it all.
I encourage you to pick this up even if it is WAY outside your usual genre. You will be a better person for it. And so will the world.

Photo from here

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