Friday, September 23, 2011

A Lesson In Appreciation

A few weeks ago we celebrated Labor Day. Well, if you are a coupon gal like me you know there were NO new coupons in the Sunday paper. I follow Grocery Game and on those weeks the list is lean if there is a shopping list at all.  

This time I decided to just let things go. We had been having a rash of not quite finishing things due to what were dubbed 'better choices' by the kiddos so I thought if they didn't have the choice they could just eat what we had. 

Let the whining commence. You should have heard these kids. "Mom, WHY aren't there any (pretzels, yogurt, fruits, milk, cheese sticks, lunchables, cookies). WHY don't you go to the store?" The next day- "You DIDN'T go to the store!" It was escalating now to outrage. It's not like there was NOTHING to eat mind you. Just no first, second or possibly third choices. We finally broke open that half box of graham crackers and finished off those nilla wafers. We even dug up some old candy from various birthday party pinatas. I thought it was fun. Clearly I was alone! The picture above is what the fridge looked like the day I finally went shopping a week later :) 

Ever try this at your house? Would you? 

1 comment:

  1. lol, no I would not. the whining would be coming from my husband
