Saturday, September 17, 2011

Money Jars

I am trying NOT to get totally lost on Pinterest! Ya know? So, I have made up my mind to try something off my boards every week. I have another project that I will update you on soon. But, this was a quick one that I had really needed to do for awhile.

We just started giving the kids allowance and letting them handle their own birthday money. I was carrying all their money in little wallets in my purse but that meant that every penny they had (except their church quarters) got spent EVERY week.

We wanted them to do some saving up for things that cost more than a dollar. But, with me having it all with me at all times, it was hard to make them do the 'one week wait to make a big purchase' thing we were trying to implement. (I should note here that this would be a good thing for ME to implement too Hahahahahaha. We are trying to raise kids somewhere between the way Eric and I spend which is basically that he never does and I'm the impulse spender!)

So, you can see from the pic that I finally made them their little savings jars. Now they can see their savings and it's easy for them to open and count it which they LOVE to do. It's a nice alternative to a piggy bank because I can even stick a gift card in the wide mouth jar. I just used some stickers and some stamps/markers. The jars are left over and washed out from some salsa.

What are you actually DOING with your Pinterest?

1 comment:

  1. I did the painting with shaving cream in the tub. And that may be my problem is I only pin things I plan on using or coming back too
