Now, partly I have brought this on myself. There are plenty of places I could send the kids that would provide both of us with a more scheduled summer. But, I'm cheap and it works out better cost-wise to take advantage of the many low cost programs in our area (VBS, Art Camps, YMCA). It gives me usually a half day kid free and doesn't completely wear them out (limiting the dreaded fatigue melt downs).
However, I DO pay for it. With my sanity. I find it stressful to have a different schedule every week. Sometimes each kid also has a different schedule since Everett has not yet completed Kinder and isn't eligible for every activity. I find myself addicted to my Google Calendar. I am paranoid of getting the pickup time wrong. I find myself compulsively checking my phone to make sure I have not forgotten something.
The benefit is that it enables us to plan a few bigger trips. This year that would be a quick weekend to San Antonio and a week-long trip to Disney (We even got free airfare cause Eric is a totally awesome deal freak like that!!).
Should I just go back to work and put myself out of my misery? Am I saving money at too high a cost? Is there a middle ground? (and if there is WHAT IS IT??) I guess I have officially made it halfway through the summer but am I in danger of a breakdown before it's over? (update: It may be too late on the breakdown- oops) These are the questions that repeat in my mind.
How do you organize your summer? Do your kids bicker, fight, beg, and generally annoy you whenever you aren't letting them play an electronic game, watch a video or otherwise entertaining them? Hahahahahha.
Photo from here
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