Sunday, May 29, 2011

Let the Sun Shine

What a PERFECT day. Welcome Summer!!!

We swam at my mom & dad's neighborhood pool. Surprisingly, we had it almost all to ourselves. They still have diving boards (totally old school right?) and BOTH kids jumped off over and over again. LOVE my two little fish. (Insert big proud beaming momma smile here)

Eric, myself, and my brother did lots of jumping off the board too. Actually, the big boys did diving and flips and stuff. Scared me to death to be honest. I just jumped high and loved sinking 10 feet to the bottom and pushing off back to the top.

This all went on for about 2 hours without a break for anyone. Bottom line- I have a feeling we old folks are gonna be PRETTY sore tomorrow. Totally worth it though!

Hope you have/are having a great holiday. Welcome summer. Disclaimer: Mosquitoes, you are not welcome at ALL! Be gone!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE it :) I got a pair of goggles & swam underwater with my eyes open. I have not done that in years. it was so fun
