Thursday, August 4, 2011

Back to Reality- Morning

As many of you know, I successfully followed Jorge Cruise's Belly Fat Cure and lost about 20 pounds last year (along with doing lots of yoga).
I essentially went off the diet around the new year and although I kept up the workouts my weight started to creep up. So, after my recent food indulgent vacation I am back up by 6 pounds for the year (about a pound a month so not TOO bad) and am ready to get back on track.
I love the BFC because it DOES allow carbs (unless you do his fast track option- but that is not for me). I am a total carb freak! When I started his plan I tried cutting out ALL the carbs which made me sad. Then after a week or so I added them back (the 6x20g allowed for the day). That way, I make my carbs really count! I found that I didn't miss pasta at all (which surprised me) but I really DO like a bun on my burger. Also, I don't really like cheese much (cheese sticks are a totally easy, portable and ideal snack on the BFC) but I will eat it spread on a cracker. Stuff like that.
So, this week I am trying to get back on track. Last time I set a goal weight and worked toward that. However, I don't actually think I need a weight goal this time. I'm not unhappy with the number on the scale. I do, however, have a few body areas I'd like to see diminished in size and that's what I am going to work on.
The thing that works absolutely the BEST for me is to basically have a set meal plan. If I have to make a decision at meal/snack time I NEVER make the best decision (or even a good one...cookies for breakfast....why not?!) So, I like to make a little plan for everything all day and eat the same thing every day. This might be boring for some of you but it's what works for me. In my plan dinner is a wildcard. I don't plan that at all. I just eat what is availiable or what is handy or what I am craving. But the rest of the day is set.
Here is what is on my plan starting today:
  • Breakfast- Protein bar and a diet soda (technically diet soda is not allowed on the BFC because of artificial sweetners but I veto that one since I am not a coffee girl (coffee is allowed) and I need my caffeine. Zevia is an alternative but it is REALLY expensive compared to my store brand sodas and I lost the weight last time without cutting my sodas so I will only give these up if I don't see any success) My top choices for Protein bars are Think Thin and Supreme Protein.
  • Snack- Wasa bread and Laughing Cow cheese. Two of these crispbreads and one slice of the cheese really fills me up. Try all the flavors. My current favorite is the queso fresco & chipotle YUM! (there is an even higher fiber option but I found them to be a little TOO cardboard-like and inconvenient since you have to order them online)
  • Fiber/Water boost- I can't stand drinking plain water unless it is during a workout. So I finally found my ideal water. I add a packet of True Lemonade and a few teaspoons of Benefiber to a 23.7oz bottle of water. (the packets are supposed to be for smaller bottles but I find I like the less intense flavor of putting it in a larger bottle). (Benefiber again is not Jorge's first choice but I already have a stockpile of it so I am gonna go with that)
  • Supplements- I am taking local honey for my allergies (which right off the bat is straight sugar but I'm leaving that out since it keeps me from taking some pretty serious allergy medications), a probiotic tablet, and a chewable vitamin (since it's easy to pop one when I give one to the kids).

Well, that's the morning plan! I will be back later with the afternoon/evening plan!

Have you tried the BFC? Have you even HEARD of it? Do you follow a set daily eating plan? Feel free to comment and let me know! :)

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