Monday, April 16, 2012

No Way To Take a Break (Disneyland Project Week 3)

This is NOT how I would recommend getting a day off from your workout! I just spent two 12 hour days at a Fitness Conference here in Houston. I hold a Group Exercise Certification (in order to teach yoga at the gym) that requires CEU's and this was a good way to get a bunch in one shot. So, even though I had to skip my Tracy Anderson workouts, I did about 5 hours of Yoga, 3 hours of Pilates, and 2 hours of cardio in those two days. WHEW!

I did NOT mean to do 2 hours of cardio the first day. I figured at least one of the yoga classes would be intense enough to consider cardio and I was right but the 'fusion' class I chose turned out to be a bunch of regular cardio and a little yoga. Nah, that is not what i like. I have never been a cardio junkie. I don't want to go to the gym and "kill it". I'm more of a get a good sweat going, then let's be done girl Hahahahaa. But, the yoga classes were great and I learned alot. I even really liked the Pilates and that is CRAZY cause I have never enjoyed it before...the teacher was AMAZING.
I had NO idea what my results were gonna look like. I did know that I FELL into bed the first night and was careful to take as much therapeutic yoga the second day as possible (that would be a soothing slow yoga class with lots of adjustments to postures and lots of partner work - read: EASY on my sore body!)

I am happy to report these measurement results: Weight is down another 0.2 lbs. (What is with this TINY weight loss?) AND 1/2 inch loss in each arm AND 1 inch loss at the waist! I think I would have showed a loss in the thighs up until the conference. There was a ridiculous amount of quad work going on this weekend and I think the muscles are inflamed and possibly bulked up from that work (Tracy Anderson would NOT be happy with me!). At least there was no gain!
I have to do a huge thank-you to my Mother-in-law (yes, folks, I actually get along well with my mother-in-law. From what I understand this is a truly wonderful and rare thing! But, we love her!) for taking care of my little guy for over half the time! And a grateful heart always to Eric, who supports and encourages all my yoga and is my biggest fan! He took on the kiddos (including a birthday party, that's right, he is THAT awesome!) all so I could do yummy yoga all weekend! If my life gets any more perfect I might just explode from joy. :D

Photos from here and here

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