Monday, April 2, 2012

Going Down! (Disneyland Project Week 2)

RESULTS: I lost 1/2 inch off each arm and each thigh. I can feel the thighs! I LOVE it! Down 1.2 pounds! Whoo HOO!!

WORKOUT: You know how your mother always said not to wear yourself out or you would get sick? (see mom, I was listening!) Well, that's what happened this week. Through trying to help out and owing a favor I stupidly scheduled myself to teach 5 hours of yoga in 2 days. WHAT? Yes, and since I was stuck at the YMCA between classes I went to a Balletone class as well (Nice class, btw, I might try to get that teaching certification). So, that makes 6 hours of working out in 2 days. Not smart! By Wednesday night when it hit me it felt like I had the flu from the neck down and a migraine from the neck up. I spent 24 hours in bed sleeping and woke up Friday feeling better but still not ready to hit the mat. A bit scared of the mat if I'm being honest.

Saturday morning though, I was CRAVING my workout and did MS and dance cardio (on the trampoline). It felt GREAT! Sunday evening brought another opportunity to work out and I completed my 10th and final workout for level 1. I will not lie, I was rocking it! I was doing all the reps, I was powering thru, I was ALMOST not feeling any of my familiar Tracy MS pain. It told me this-- I'm ready for the next level. :)

DIET: Not a stellar week. Everett had his birthday  = cake & cookies in the house all week. Then when I had all that out of the house, they called and said I had to bring the snack again for Sunday School. WHAT? Apparently, I was not supposed to bring it last week (cookie binge) and had to do it all again this week (another cookie binge). I guess if I wasn't so cheap I would have just bought snacks and avoided the temptation but, yeah, I'm cheap. And I make super yummy cookies :D

Photo from here