I think I have mentioned before that when someone I trust recommends a book I put it on a list and then never EVER read the back cover before finishing it. I do the same thing with movies. I like to see ONE trailer and then be done. I don't like to see too much of a movie I am highly anticipating.
Anyway, I had NO idea where this book was going and judging by the cover I thought it might be a book about Mandy Moore. (Am I the only one who was like WHY is Mandy Moore on the cover of this book? I guess it isn't her after all. But, I found it very distracting).
SPOILER ALERT (remainder of post): This book was very strange. I felt like it was fighting itself. I didn't know if they were going for a women's rights statement (kidnapped child brides), a holocost reference (brides made to bear children or participate unwillingly in the search for a cure), or a warning about genetic tampering (we will all die by age 25!). Perhaps these questions will be answered in the next book?
What I liked: The three wife characters. They were well developed and got more believable as the book went on. I felt for each of them and struggled with the main character over the evolving relationship with her two sister wives. (I totally did NOT know this book had sister wives in it!)
What I didn't like: Lame male lead on three counts. The 'husband' was a total limp bisquit. The 'servant/love interest' was not believable to me AT ALL. The 'Dr. Evil' father-in-law guy was never scary enough.
Big Fail: Are we REALLY supposed to believe that the husband never consumated with the lead character and she escapes with her virtue intact and her love interest in some miraculous end chapter?
My take: I actually got pretty involved with a few of the characters although I'm worried the ones I like (Deidre, Cicely) may not appear in the next installment. I will pick up the next book to see if we meet the brother and find out more about what secrets 'two different color eyes' unlock.
I remain yours, my dear Mandy Moore, interested but unimpressed. I'll keep you posted!
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