Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Disneyland Project 2012

I am about to go on vacation. I get to go visit my sister in Boston. I can't WAIT. I love my sister SO much and I also love being in Boston. This will be the first time one of my visits may involve snow. So, I may have to amend that to 'I love Boston in the Summer' afterwards!

When I get back I will have just 19 weeks until our Disneyland trip! I have decided to make a committment to Tracy Anderson's Metamorphasis during that time. The program I ordered is 18 weeks so I think that works out perfect.


Time: I will commit to 1 hour 5 days a week. I will do the workouts Monday thru Friday. I was recently inspired by this quote by Brooke Burke in Fitness Magazine: "I don't think you need more than an hour to do cardio and full-body toning. I don't have three hours a day to devote to my body, but I do have an hour five days a week".

Muscular Structure: I already have several of her DVD's and I love the way they make my muscles feel when I do the workouts. The Metamorphasis DVD's are only 30 minutes. I chose the Glutecentric option (just in case you were curious I got it thru QVC and went through ebates for 2.5% cash back). I had already ruled out Abcentric and Omnicentric for myself. But, I admit I was quite confused about the two remaining choices. I finally happened upon a crazy little 'test' to help you determine: Stand facing a mirror and reach around behind you and 'lift' your butt with your hands. If your saddlebags disappear- you are glutecentric; if not- you are hipcentric. Clever eh? (Are you running to the bathroom to try it like I did??)

Cardio: For the other 30 minutes I plan to do alternating cardio routines. Some days (like a Zumba class) might take an hour. But, I'm allowing myself to quit after 30 minutes if I want to. I don't actually plan to use Tracy's dance cardio at all. I will do 'dancing like a crazy woman in my house to my ipod', some Zumba classes, some 'treadmill skipping' routines that are a variation on Tracy's (you can see me doing this at the YMCA), and walking outdoors with my pup.

Diet: I will be going back to what worked for me and that is Jorge Cruise and the Belly Fat Cure (this is a low sugar/low carb plan where you try not to exceed 15g sugar and 120g carbs per day). I will be logging everything I eat and tracking my weight and measurements in my Weight Watchers online account (possibly ignoring the WW points since Jorge and WW don't seem to get along!).

See you After Spring Break!!!


  1. I know you wrote this post a long time ago but you've just saved my day with the Glutecentric-saddlebags tip. Thank you!
