Are you on Pinterest? Oh my, If you are not then pretend I didn't mention it...close this page...resist the dark side.
If you ARE using Pinterest you know that what happens is that you pin a ton of good intentions, brilliant ideas, MUST do thats... and then close up the computer and walk away. Hahahahahaha.
Well, I am DETERMINED to actually use some of these and I have tried two so far. The score is Fail-1, Success-1.
My fail was a homemade tea latte that just tasted terrible! So, I did a little more research on my second pin (labeled Best Broccoli of Your Life) and found out it was actually a Barefoot Contessa recipe. LOVE her! So with only mild anxiety I gathered the ingredients and gave it a try and guess what-- it was great!
Eric said it was a 'keep' recipe and Evie liked it except for the lemon juice at the end (I SHOULD have thought of that) so next time I will just set some aside before I add that at the end.
Notes: I did not use the pine nuts or the basil. Just didn't want to invest in a 1st try recipe...figured we would know without those two if it was a keeper or not based on the comments/reviews. Also, since I only used ONE head of broccoli (again not investing yet) I did mine in the toaster oven and it turned out great. (LOVE not turning on the big oven!)
Have you tried any of your Pinterest pins? Was it a success or total fail? Are you addicted to Pinterest?
Photo from here
Photo from here