I came upon them completely by accident when looking for a little treat at Walmart. Eric & I ate the whole box that day. The next day I was kind of obsessing over them and was unable to turn my car in the direction of home. It drove right back to Walmart. Lo and behold, the cookies were still on display. But today they had $1 off coupons taped to them (if you know me you know this would have killed ANY willpower I might have still retained). Well, heavens- it must be a sign of the apocalypse! I bought TWO boxes. I only had the double fudge cookies the first time so i tried both flavors this time.
They are both delicious but I do feel the double fudge are superior. Just in case you want to limit your intake to one box. Sadly, I must report that, again, they are all gone. Looks like I'm gonna have to take the dog on a VERY long walk to work these babies off. Better get started then- come on Shasta.
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