I am SO glad that the kids are becoming fans of board games! I grew up loving them and I STILL love them. We have a selection of old favorites (guess who, sorry, trouble) and it has been fun to find the next generation just as enjoyable (busytown game, candyland castle).
I am all for the video style of play. We can't get enough of starfall.com or the leapster. Heck, we have even introduced the kids to the old nintendo 64 which still works great!
But, there is nothing like getting out the box, finding all the pieces (borrowing a few from another game if needed), setting up the board and getting down to some serious game play. How old do they have to be for monopoly and risk? :)
What is your favorite board game either from the past or now with the kiddos? We'd love to try it too!
Photo from here
Photo from here
Oh my gosh! I love guess who! We have the scooby doo version. I have found that Noah is old enough for this, and eli can with a little help but he is still a littl young