I love a good deal. I mean I REALLY love them. But something has been happening lately. I have been feeling trapped, anxious and bit overwhelmed by my own deal hounding.
I follow several daily deal sites like Groupon. They send me an email, I look through the offers and sometimes buy. In the past we have gotten some great deals, some good deals, and some 'I can see why they needed to offer it at half-off' deals. It was fun trying out new products and experiences.
Lately though I have been wondering if it was all worth it. Because after I buy the deal I have to remember to use it. Now, I am no stranger to coupons and expiration dates. I use coupons every week to grocery shop. And granted, lately the coupons/deals have started retaining their paid value even after they expire.
Bottom line: it is stressing me out.
Eric's take on the whole thing is that many times we are making plans (in other words spending money) we would not have JUST to use our coupon/deal. I am starting to see his wisdom (can't you just hear Eric yelling out loud FINALLY!!). I think there was a time when we needed more ideas about what was out there to do but I'm thinking that season is starting to fade.
As a result of both these thoughts and a recent challenge in Sunday School to 'create margin' in our lives, I am unsubscribing to most of these emails. I will leave the deal hunting to Eric. What are you doing today to make life more simple and manageable?
Photo from here